Hello! My name is Amelia, and I am 36 (as of this writing in 2022 at least...). I am genderfluid, and my pronouns are they/them and she/her. I am happily married to, and quite monogamous with, a wonderful woman who has been incredibly supportive and instrumental in helping me find my way in terms of coming to understand my gender identity. If I had to write myself an origin story, it would probably sound pretty familiar to many others like me. A curiosity for feminine clothing in my preteens...the sneaking around to swipe a sister's or cousin's clothes, the confusion of raging teenage hormones, and a whole lot of shame. It would be a long time before I started to seriously explore the meaning behind it all. Looking back, I never quite "fit in with the boys" so to speak. I recall early in life my close friends were girls. Sure I had one or two guy friends, but I always had an easier time making friends with girls (although when ...
Hi, my name is Steph. I’m a genderfluid human under the trans spectrum living in Arizona with my very supportive spouse. Today is 3/31/2022. This day happens to be Transgender Day of Visibility and I want to share my story. From a young age, maybe 5 or 6, I started trying on what was considered by society the "wrong clothes". I had a lot of gender curiosities at that same time and remembered multiple times when I wished I were born a girl. I inquired about it with my parents and was quickly shot down with the idea of shame that boys were not supposed to like things that girls liked, such as certain toys, colors, clothes, and makeup. I didn’t understand but to them, no matter what, boys had to do boy things and girls had to do girl things. And there was no crossing of those lines. I often wondered, if I can’t express how I feel inside, what am I doing here? So, I somehow learned how to suppress it, and knowing what I know now, that was not a healthy thing to be doing. As a r...