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Showing posts from July, 2021

The Story of Gwendolyn Lawrence (Part 1)

I am a 66-year-old crossdresser who has determined in the past year that she is transgender. I grew up in a rather typical middle-class home. From an early age I was always more interested in music, art, and fashion. Beginning in 1 st  grade I had far more friends that were girls than boys. I had no interest in getting dirty or fighting. I would rather play with Barbie dolls.    The start of my crossdressing journey began when I was 10 years old. I was tempted to try on one of my mom’s Rago all-in-one corselettes. It was a beautiful baby blue. It was basically an open bottom girdle with a bra attached to the top. I still do not know what prompted me to pick up that lovely item. There was just something that attracted me to it.    My mom was a rather sexy lady when it came to shapewear, lingerie, and stockings. The year was 1965. Pantyhose were just beginning to arrive on the scene. A stylish woman still wore stockings with garters.  The ...

THE GIFT OF CROSSDRESSING (The Deana Williams Story)

I come from a broken home. My parents divorced when I was just five years old. My older brother and I stayed in the family home with our mother.  Father moved in with a new woman and although we saw him once a month it was never enough. Mother moved a new bloke into the house just a couple of months later. Eventually he became our stepfather. He was just 21 years old when he stepped in, fresh out of the army and clueless how to raise two young boys. Things changed dramatically at home. Being ex-military he was strict beyond normal and it wasn't long before he ruled the house and our lives with military precision. Not long after their marriage he began to enforce his rules with a leather belt. Progressing eventually to using his fists on us kids. I began to develop behavioral problems and rebelled.  As I grew up I was sent off to a naughty boys boarding school. It was easier to get rid of me than have me disrupting life in the home. I left school with no qualifica...