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Showing posts from May, 2021

Be True to Yourself (A True Story by Cris Dressor)

From my childhood as far back as I can remember I have always been interested in women’s clothes. While my exact age escapes me, I remember going into my mom’s drawers and grabbing things at an age when most boys were playing soldier. Even in my single digits I had borrowed everything from bras, panties, and pantyhose to dresses. By the time I was a teenager I understood how it all went together. It seems silly now, but pantyhose goes over the panties, I even wore Kotex pads back before stickers and wings. I had no idea why and what the point of it all was. I just knew I felt normal doing it. Apparently, I was quite good at putting the stuff away as it was not until I was 15 my mom even began to suspect one of my siblings or I was using her stuff. She even sat us all down and asked more than once about who was getting into her drawers. We all looked around at each other in bewilderment. Shortly after my 16th birthday, my folks and my brothers and sisters were going on a vacation. As ...

Jaye Dee Miller's Story

I started as a young teenager borrowing my moms stockings, garter belt and panties. When I wore them, I felt excited, ashamed, guilty and swore I would never do it again. Well as we all know, that didn't happen. After that I "borrowed" a bra or two and stuffed them with rolled up stockings. My mom caught me dressed in her lingerie and we had a long "heart to heart talk". She knew that I wouldn't or couldn't stop wearing her lingerie. She talked to me about seeing someone, a professional about my "odd needs" so that's what we did. The professional I saw was a woman and I just couldn't humiliate myself by telling her. That didn't last long and mom overlooked what I was doing.  The older I got, the more I wanted to dress as a girl. When I went to church, I went for the express purpose of seeing what the girls were wearing and how they wore it. In those days, seamed stockings were the fashion with high heels, dresses and...